So I continue to get emails and blog posts about issues with the High Sierra Web Drivers. I tried to log on yesterday and tell you that you were imagining things but after I installed my 121 update, I had same trouble !!!
I'm still not sure what the issue is, I have noticed that when I have the "white dock" problem it isn't that the drivers aren't loaded. I see them as loaded and I can run 2 displays at once and I can even run Uningine Valley. HOWEVER, a dead giveaway that there are issues is that moving windows results in redraws that don't include everything inside. Also, the Valley scores are about 1/2 of what they should be. Also, everything is clunky. (not very scientific, I know) But the solid white dock is the most obvious thing. Anyhow, I tried re-installing the 117, 120, and 121 drivers. No help. I re-installed HS and tried 114, still white dock. I did PRAM reset and ran Supplemental update. No love. Only after I did this twice have I gotten the 117 driver to work correctly again. At first it wasn't, but when I opened the Preference Pane for "Security and Privacy" there was a notice that it had blocked something from Nvidia from loading. A quick "let it load" and restart and I was off to the races. And I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm too frightened to run 120 or 121 again. I don't have 1/2 a day to track this down. I sent a note to Nvidia tech guys, hopefully the culprit is found.
Hey everyone,
After years of testing and finessing, we think it's about time. We have a wonderful new product that will open up many options for owners of the "Cylinder" nMP 6,1. First up will be public benchmarks on a well known site. Both OSX High Sierra and Windows 10 running Titan Xp. These are both feats not accomplished by any other source on the internet. As in NOBODY ELSE has gotten eGPU to work in either scenario. MVC is the undisputed leader in Mac EFI GPUs. And we are about to spread into the eGPU world. More news soon. The Netkas/MVC team just posted another first !
So far Nvidia cards have been impossible to get working as eGPU in High Sierra. The self proclaimed "experts" have claimed it's some sort of conspiracy and started a petition ! Some of them are on the "flat earth society" board as well. Turns out it was a conspiracy of ignorance. First screen shots on Netkas' board, more info coming here Done on a nMP 6,1, can boot in OS X or Windows 10. I've offered a test setup to Barefeats if anyone is interested in seeing 3rd party do some testing. Just fired up the Dell UP2715K and can confirm this is still able to do 5K and Retina HiDPI resolutions.
The Terminal Command is still: sudo nvram boot-args=nv_spanmodepolicy=1 Problem is, you need to have SIP disabled to enter this. Good news is our EFI cards all let you get to Recovery Mode to disable this. Just Hold "Command-R" (we used to call it Apple-R when we thought different) at boot, the Recovery Partition is no longer a Partition, and will not show as a Boot Option Under Utilities is Terminal, pop the baby open and type csrutil disable Reboot into HS and run the above. Still have to power cycle the UP2715K to get the 5K to kick in As reported by Lowrider at MR, if you use the CUDA 8.0.90 driver with High Sierra it works.
At least well enough to run CUDA-Z. If someone is using an actual CUDA based application, could they confirm? (Resolve, Adobe, etc ) Hey Everyone,
Apple dropped another bomb on us today. I have already linked to the new drivers but the problem is that there is an incompatibility. The following applies to our EFI cards, may or may not work with others or on Hackintosh. OK, BEFORE YOU RUN THE APPLE SUPPLEMENTAL UPDATE with a card that requires the Web Driver you MUST remove a particular kext. 1. Look on your main Hard Drive and find the Library folder. 2. Inside it are more folders, one labelled "Extensions" 3. Inside "Extensions" is NVDAStartupWeb.kext, drag it to the trash and empty the trash. Make sure it is out of the Extensions folder. 4. Run the Apple Supplemental Update. 5. Reboot, with an EFI card you will still have one working screen. 6. Download and install the 117 driver. 7. Post results here |
April 2021
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